Tag : Meditation

Knowing God and Nonattachment A sunlit path in the woods.

In this video, Ryan explains the role of nonattachment as it applies to meditation practice. He gives us much to contemplate. If you are caught up in who you think

Nonattachment and Self-Realization Three birds in flight

Ryan begins this talk with the statement “Imagine that right now in this very moment that you have no attachments to anything, you have no attachments to your sense of

Self-Inquiry Meditation – Use this before your personal meditation practice. Ocean, sky and horizon

This video is an excerpt from a Sunday Meditation and Inspiration service. During this meditation session, we consider many questions that help us to identify our true Self. Prior to

Harmonizing and Empowering Your Spiritual and Worldly Intentions for the New Year – January 2022 Webinar

Join me on the First Full Moon of 2022 to meditate and set our worthwhile intentions for the New Year. The ultimate purpose of our life is to wake up

Centering Meditation from Asheville, NC Sri Ramana Maharshi Portrait

This post is a transcript of a guided meditation. I encourage you to meditate along with the video after familiarizing yourself with the procedure. Turn your attention within. Begin by

#11 Bhagavad Gita Commentary in the Kriya Yoga Tradition 3/3 Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda, Roy Eugene Davis

The topic of this lecture is from Chapter 2, verse 72 of the Bhagavad Gita: “That is the divine state; having realized it, one is never again bewildered. Established in

#10 Bhagavad Gita Commentary in the Kriya Yoga Tradition 2/3 Lahiri Mahasaya

Even the Masters continued to meditate after Self-realization. If you think you have figured it out, that’s a thought. Keep going. You will know when you are there. Whatever state

October Kriya Yoga Online Sunday Services

October Kriya Yoga Online Sunday Services  Philosophy and Meditation  Sundays, October 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st  10:30 AM – 11:45 AM Eastern Time Zone  Sessions will be hosted online

#9 Bhagavad Gita Commentary in the Kriya Yoga Tradition 1/3 Paramhansa Yogananda meditating outside

The topic of this talk is nonattachment to the sense urges. Ryan begins with Chapter 2, verse 60 of the Bhagavad Gita: “Even though a discerning devotee may continuously strive

#8 Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 2 Continued Part 3/3 in the Kriya Yoga Tradition Ganesh statue with garland of marigolds

Ryan references verses 58–59 of Chapter 2: “One who withdraws sensory awareness from temptations, as a turtle withdraws its limbs [into a shell], is firmly established in wisdom. The objects