#10 Bhagavad Gita Commentary in the Kriya Yoga Tradition 2/3

#10 Bhagavad Gita Commentary in the Kriya Yoga Tradition 2/3

Lahiri Mahasaya
  • Even the Masters continued to meditate after Self-realization. If you think you have figured it out, that’s a thought. Keep going. You will know when you are there.
  • Whatever state of consciousness you are in right now, that is the state you are going to experience when you transition. The state of your consciousness is your clarity of awareness. The mental state is the accumulation of your thoughts, your memories, your mind. The state of consciousness is the same no matter where you are.
  • Ryan references verses 66–69 from Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita: “For the uncontrolled person, discriminative intelligence, power of concentration, and inner peace are absent. How can there then be happiness for such a one? When the mind pursues the inclinations of restless sense urges, it carries with it one’s understanding, as a wind carries away a ship on the water. Therefore, the intelligence of one whose senses are withdrawn from their objects is firmly established. What is night for all [spiritually unawake] beings is the time of wakefulness for the disciplined devotee; for the one who sees clearly, what is the time of wakefulness for ordinary people, is night.”
  • The truth of these verses is illustrated by the fact that people who are interested in meditation and clarity of awareness often have different priorities and interests than those who aren’t interested in waking up.
  • According to the Bhagavad Gita, one out of every thousand people is interested in yoga practice and waking up and one out of that number is actually committed to what it takes. Yoga practice is a total reversal of what you’re used to thinking about and how you’re used to living. Most people are used to thinking that the body and the mind is all there is to life and when they go away, everything is over. When you’re practicing yoga, you realize that life is not the mental state or the memories, it is the thing which allows all of this to occur.

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