Category :Learn Kriya Yoga

Two Phases for a Powerful Kriya Yoga Meditation

Kriya Yoga can be understood through two distinct phases, each playing a critical role in spiritual development. The initial phase of Kriya Yoga focuses on foundational practices that prepare the mind and body for deeper spiritual experiences.

Free Downloadable Course in the Kriya Yoga Tradition

Please download this class on Roy Eugene Davis’ Kriya Yoga book “Absolute Knowledge that Liberates Consciousness”.  This course was taught by Ryan Kurczak and explores the foundation of spiritual enlightenment and explanations of how to experience higher realities.

Understanding the Holy Science Book Release

Understanding the Holy Science: A Theoretical and Experiential Study Guide to Sri Yuktewsar’s Kriya Yoga Practice is available now in paperback and hardback through Amazon.

4th Annual Online Kriya Yoga Retreat Solstice Celebration

You are invited to join us June 27 – 30, 2024 for an online yogic meditation retreat from the comfort of your own home.

Kriya Yoga and The Path of Light in Rochester, New York

You are warmly invited to participate in a five-day intensive retreat rooted in the principals and practices of Kriya Yoga as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda and Roy Eugene Davis. Together, we will explore Kriya Yoga philosophy, lifestyle, and meditation practices. Each day will also feature two group meditations, devotional chanting, and opportunities to take part in Qi Gong classes.

Kriya Yoga Meditation Audio Book Now Available on Audible

I am happy to announce that “Kriya Yoga: Continuing the Lineage of Enlightenment” is now available on Audible as an audio book. This book contains the fundamental information necessary for proper practice of Kriya Yoga Pranayama and Meditation. “Kriya Yoga: Continuing the Lineage of Enlightenment” focuses on understanding Kriya Yoga in light of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

An Introduction to Kriya Yoga Mysticism and Samadhi

Kriya Yoga is a mystical path. Through the knowledge acquired through our practice we find a way into the mystical realms of our being. This is the topic of this recording.

Kriya Yoga Workshop – May 2024 – Fairmont, West Virginia

Join us for a weekend immersion in the practices of Kriya Yoga meditation and pranayama. In this 2-day event, you will learn Kriya Yoga meditation techniques which facilitate superconscious meditation.

Kriya Yoga Meditation Silent Retreat – March 2024

Join us for our first Kriya Yoga Northern Equinox Silent Retreat at Laurelville Retreat Center, just Southeast of the Pittsburgh International Airport.

June 2023 Kriya Yoga Solstice Celebration – 3 Day “Stay at Home Retreat” – June 23rd-25th, 2023 Kriya Yoga Lineage of Gurus

June 2023 Kriya Yoga Solstice Celebration – 3 Day “Stay at Home Retreat” – June 23rd-25th, 2023 You are invited to join us for the 3rd Annual Kriya Yoga Online