Practice sushumna breathing by focusing attention on the spine from the crown of the head or spiritual eye all the way down the spine to the tailbone. As you breathe
This post is a transcript of a guided meditation. I encourage you to meditate along with the video after familiarizing yourself with the procedure. Turn your attention within. Begin by
Join us on December 19th, 2021 starting at 1 PM Eastern Time Zone for a 3-hour Holy Season Meditation. This event will occur online, via Zoom. We will come together
October Kriya Yoga Online Sunday Services Philosophy and Meditation Sundays, October 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM Eastern Time Zone Sessions will be hosted online
The topic of this talk is nonattachment to the sense urges. Ryan begins with Chapter 2, verse 60 of the Bhagavad Gita: “Even though a discerning devotee may continuously strive
Ryan references verses 58–59 of Chapter 2: “One who withdraws sensory awareness from temptations, as a turtle withdraws its limbs [into a shell], is firmly established in wisdom. The objects
Wednesday, December 23, 20209 AM to 6 PM (PT) “Celebrate Christmas upon the altar of the vast inner silence and in the sanctuary of every desire, with every living thing
Your interests and inspired ideas are what fuel a sense of purpose in life. You tend to do what you want to do. Why? Because it satisfies you. Doing what
The following prayer came to me one night as I sat contemplating faith and well-being. I and the Father are One. Whose name sings between the birds of the air.
As mentioned in our previous post, Paramahansa Yogananda often referred to Christ Consciousness. He was a Yogi, an Indian Swami. Yet he referred to Christ. Christ is a word. It