Tag : Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga Teacher Mahavatar Babaji

In the first episode of the Kriya Yoga Podcast Ryan explores the myth and legend of the life of Mahavatar Babaji through the sacred interactions with the gurus of this

Kriya Yoga Ireland August 2023 Ganesh statue with garland of marigolds

Join us for a week-long immersion in the practices of Kriya Yoga as taught through the lineage of Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda and Roy Eugene Davis.

Kriya Yoga Immersion and Initiation – May – Asheville, NC

In this 3-day event, you will learn Kriya Yoga techniques which help to facilitate superconscious meditation. Ryan will hold satsangs to explore the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Bhagavad Gita, as they relate to effective practice of Kriya Meditation and serve as a supportive guide for yogic living. At the end of the weekend, it is our intention that participants have learned to bring forth a greater sense of spiritual awareness through the dedicated practice of Kriya Yoga philosophy and meditation practices.

A New Life Through Kriya Yoga

Dear Kriya Yogis: We had a good retreat at the Assisi Institute this past week. It was a joy to be there with you, to see many of you, whom

Straight Talk on Spiritual Growth – South Asheville Kriya Satsang – Part 3/3 View over mountain ridges

When experiencing hardship or difficulty, place your awareness on the spiritual eye, and ask, “Is this real?”. Without attachment, watch and wait for the answer to come. Relax and know

Straight Talk on Spiritual Growth – South Asheville Kriya Satsang – Part 2/3 Sunlit forest path

In this talk, Ryan continues to answer questions about the spiritual path. A lot of people come to meditation, spiritual practice because their life isn’t what they want it to

Straight Talk on Spiritual Growth – South Asheville Kriya Satsang – Part 1/3 Rainbow over mountain ridge

In this talk, Ryan answers questions about the spiritual path. There is no real difference between Brahman, Ishvara, and Prakriti. They are essentially the same thing—the underlying creative intelligence which

Centering Meditation from Asheville, NC Sri Ramana Maharshi Portrait

This post is a transcript of a guided meditation. I encourage you to meditate along with the video after familiarizing yourself with the procedure. Turn your attention within. Begin by

3-Hour Online Holy Season Meditation Invitation for December 2021

Join us on December 19th, 2021 starting at 1 PM Eastern Time Zone for a 3-hour Holy Season Meditation. This event will occur online, via Zoom. We  will come together

Self Realization – Staying the Course 1/3 A hiker walks down the road.

In this video, Ryan discusses the first three of five points to help us stay the course to Self-realization: One-pointedness is the ability to stay focused, avoid distractions, and let