It is a wonderful thing to consider Yogananda’s life and to consider what he was able to accomplish and how that has allowed us to come to where we are today. To be able to learn these techniques, to study meditation, to practice yoga. And for this to be a valid approach to spirituality for those of us who live in the West and have a profound interest in Eastern philosophies, but even more than that, have an interest in the unification of all philosophies into what has been called the perennial wisdom; that underlying current, that underlying wisdom, that threads through all authentic enlightenment traditions.
“Look, there is no point in blindly believing that after I touch you, you will be saved, or that the chariot from heaven will be waiting for you. Because of the Guru’s attainment, the sanctifying touch becomes a helper in the blossoming of knowledge and being respectful towards having of acquiring this blessing, you must yourself become a sage and proceed on the path to elevate your soul by applying the techniques of sadhana given by the Guru.” – Swami Sri Yukteswar
“We are meant to become like Lahiri Mahasaya…such that we have the same realizations, such that we can live our life, play our role with peace and clarity while recognizing that one day that will all pass and then we move on to the next stage of our life.”
Please take some time to listen to this presentation by Kriya Yoga Teacher Christopher Sartain from Chile. Chris has been a long time spiritual friend. I have always been impressed
In many spiritual traditions there is an emphasis on attuning to enlightened beings. These can be teachers that you have learned from, or legendary figures from centuries past. Some may