Tag : Paramahansa Yogananda

Part 10 Yoga Sutras Chapter 1 verse 16

In this recording from a series of lectures on the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras, Ryan Kurczak introduces us to sutra 16. Yoga practice helps us disidentify with what

Part 6 Yoga Sutras Chapter 1 Verse 6-8

In this recording from a series of lectures on the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Ryan Kurczak explains sutra 6-8 and recapitulates sutra 2 and 3. The

Part 5 Yoga Sutras Chapter 1 Verse 6

In this fifth recording from a series of lectures on the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Ryan Kurczak goes on to further explain sutra 6. The discussion

Part 4 Yoga Sutras Chapter 1 Verses 5-6

In this forth recording from a series of lectures on the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Ryan Kurczak explains sutra 5 and 6. According to sutra 5

Two new podcasts at The Kriya Yoga Podcast

Our Podcasts are also available on iTunes, Spotify and Google. Search for “the Kriya Yoga Podcast” or “Ryan Kurczak”.

Sri Yukteswar on The Kriya Yoga Podcast Swami Sri Yukteswar

Kriya Yoga was brought to the West by Swami Sri Yukteswar’s student, Paramahansa Yogananda. It was the intensive training that Yogananda experienced under the direction of Yukteswar that enabled him

The Kriya Yoga Podcast

Here is a podcast dedicated specifically to Kriya Yoga practice. The official release will be September 16th, 2019. You can subscribe and receive the announcements as each podcast is released.

Christ Consciousness Through Yoga

As mentioned in our previous post, Paramahansa Yogananda often referred to Christ Consciousness. He was a Yogi, an Indian Swami. Yet he referred to Christ. Christ is a word. It