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Two new podcasts at The Kriya Yoga Podcast

Our Podcasts are also available on iTunes, Spotify and Google. Search for “the Kriya Yoga Podcast” or “Ryan Kurczak”.

February 2020 Kriya Yoga Online Meditation Retreat Swami Sri Yukteswar

You are invited to join us February 7, 8 and 9, 2020 for an online yogic meditation retreat from the comfort of your own home. Rather than travel to an exotic or distant location, I invite you to take time from your work and your family and consciously dedicate these 3 days to commit to your spiritual path, further deepen your spiritual well-being, and to give your self permission to rejuvenate your soul.

New from “The Kriya Yoga Podcast” 5 New Episodes

Podcasts are available to download through Podbean, Apple iTunes, GooglePlay and Spotify. If you search for Ryan Kurczak and “The Kriya Yoga Podcast” in one of these podcast providers, you

Kriya Yoga Webinar: Exploring the Wisdom of the Ancients – January 2020 Ganesh illustration

You are invited to join us January 6th, 13th and 20th for an online discussion of the essence of Kriya Yoga Philosophy from the comfort of your own home.  Rather

How to reduce digital distractions: advice from medieval monks

Medieval monks had a terrible time concentrating. And concentration was their lifelong work! Their tech was obviously different from ours. But their anxiety about distraction was not. They complained about being overloaded with information, and about how, even once you finally settled on something to read, it was easy to get bored and turn to something else. They were frustrated by their desire to stare out of the window, or to constantly check on the time…

Sri Yukteswar on The Kriya Yoga Podcast Swami Sri Yukteswar

Kriya Yoga was brought to the West by Swami Sri Yukteswar’s student, Paramahansa Yogananda. It was the intensive training that Yogananda experienced under the direction of Yukteswar that enabled him

The Kriya Yoga Podcast – First Episodes

Here are the first 3 episodes of the Kriya Yoga Podcast. They are available to download through Podbean, Apple iTunes, GooglePlay and Spotify. If you search for Ryan Kurczak and

The Kriya Yoga Podcast

Here is a podcast dedicated specifically to Kriya Yoga practice. The official release will be September 16th, 2019. You can subscribe and receive the announcements as each podcast is released.

The Root of All Your Spiritual Pain

“Why is attachment a root cause of pain? And if it is a root cause of pain, why do we continue to allow it to exist/persist?”

Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship 2019

It’s been a little over 2 years since conceiving the idea of an in-depth, personal Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship Program. In that time, all the classes have been full to overflowing.