PART 16 – Chapter 1: Verse 29 continued: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

PART 16 – Chapter 1: Verse 29 continued: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Swami Sri Yukteswar

Prompted by verse 29, ch.1 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Ryan sets out to both shed light on how one can authentically develop in their spiritual practice, as well as on some common trappings throughout the process. Here is a dot-pointed summary of the key ideas, themes and discussion points:

• Curiosity coupled with honest enquiry or contemplation is key to experiencing oneness. Asking the question you would like answering and waiting patiently for the universe to answer is the correct manner in which to approach this. Asking once is enough, in the same way you do not repeatedly ask someone the same question over and over again. God is perpetually reliable, and patience reveals this.

• Always aim to live from any revelation or insight you may receive without doubting it or procrastinating. Yes the revelation is likely to change or develop in some way over time, yet don’t let this idea block your willingness to commit to it. The key is to surrender or dive into the embodiment of each revelation, which in turn allows for effective revelation developments to occur. From here enlightenment becomes self-evident such that you can now maintain that understanding no matter what fluctuating worldly circumstances may be occurring.

• Doing your meditation daily as duty is essential. This is due to the holding of intention for waking up that it explicates within our perpetually responsive universe.

This discussion is by Ryan Kurczak during the ‘Yogic Scriptures and Meditation Group’ at ‘Asheville Yoga Center’. Ryan is Kriya Yoga Teacher in the lineage of Roy Eugene Davis and Paramahansa Yogananda.

For a complete discussion on the Yoga Sutras in the light of Kriya Yoga, please see:

26-Hour Downloadable Yoga Sutras Course

and the book: Kriya Yoga: Continuing the Lineage of Enlightenment.

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