New German Kriya Yoga Meditation Book

We have recently published a German edition of Kriya Yoga: Continuing the Lineage of Enlightenment. You can now find a full commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, in the book Kriya Yoga: Die Erleuchtungstradition fortsetzen (German Edition). This book is available on Kindle and paperback.

Kriya Yoga: Continuing the Lineage of Enlightenment Contents

Contents include:

-A description of Ayurvedic Principles to support a yogic lifestyle.

-Descriptions of effective Kriya Yoga meditation practices.

-A full commentary on the most essential text for Kriya Yoga Practice, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Kriya Yoga: Die Erleuchtungstradition fortsetzen (German Edition) Description from Amazon

Dieses Buch enthält leicht verständliche Meditationsroutinen, Empfehlungen für einen ayurvedischen Lebensstil und einen vom Autor selbst übersetzten Kommentar zu den Yoga Sutren des Patanjali.

Dieses Werk ermutigt Sie auf Ihrem Weg zu Selbstverwirklichung und innerer Ruhe. Gekonnte Meditation, ein gesunder Lebensstil und die Erkenntnis unseres Ewigen Selbst sind die Übungen, die uns Kriya Yoga lehrt und mithilfe unserer kontinuierlichen Praxis der Methoden des Patanjali setzen wir die Erleuchtungstradition fort.

Ryan Kurczak wurde durch Roy Eugene Davis, einem direkten Schüler von Paramahansa Yogananda initiiert und zum Unterrichten von Kriya Yoga autorisiert. Ryan arbeitet mit Schülern in der „Kriya Yoga Online“ Patreon Community und intensiver mit Schülern des Kriya Yoga Ausbildungsprogramms. Er ist Moderator des „The Kriya Yoga Podcast“.

Wenn Sie ein leicht verständliches und praktisch umsetzbares Buch für die Kriya Yoga Tradition suchen, sind Sie mit diesem Buch gut beraten.

What is Kriya Yoga?

Kriya Yoga is the path of effective living and intentional meditation practice. Steeped in the wisdom of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Kriya Yoga utilizes lifestyle guidelines common to all authentic spiritual traditions intent on realizing enlightenment. It includes specific meditation techniques that quickly and effectively cleanse awareness of debilitating thoughts, memories and energetic patterns that prevent the realization of our essence as pure consciousness.

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More About the Author

Ryan Kurczak was first introduced to Kriya Yoga through the book Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda. He had developed an interest in meditation in his late teens. After reading the book, a local hatha yoga instructor directed him to Center for Spiritual Awareness, where he met his teacher Roy Eugene Davis. Roy was a direct student of Paramahansa Yogananda, and he initiated Ryan into Kriya Yoga in 2000, and then later ordained him to teach in 2005.

Ryan serves full time as an independent representative of the Kriya Yoga Lineage as taught through Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda and Roy Eugene Davis. He is one of many students authorized by Mr. Davis to teach and share this Kriya Yoga tradition. Ryan works with students through the “Kriya Yoga Online” Patreon community, and more intensively with students of the Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship Program offered through this site. He is the host of The Kriya Yoga Podcast and also the author of several books.

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