Qigong for the Seasons
Thursdays – 5:30 to 6:15 PM @ Main Street Yoga 200 Fairmont Ave., Fairmont, WV.
Teacher: Jasmine Moran
Qigong (pronouned chee-gong) for the Seasons is a moving meditation that works in harmony with the constantly changing energy of Nature. Through movement, breath, sound and intention we will relax the body and reset the nervous system. Learn to refine your sensitivity to the abundance of life force energy within and around you. Suitable for all fitness levels.
Qi Gong is a gentle, flowing form of standing exercise. Regular practice has been reported to increase flexibility, balance, energy levels and overall well-being. To register for this class please visit Main Street Yoga’s website, or drop in the day of the class. Register in Advance by Clicking Here.
Kriya Yoga Meditation Training Session
Thursdays – 6:20 to 7:15 PM @ Main Street Yoga 200 Fairmont Avenue, Fairmont, WV.
Teacher: Ryan Kurczak
Kriya Yoga Meditation is a practice that integrates breath awareness, mantra and body awareness techniques to encourage greater peace of mind, biologic well-being and greater spiritual awareness. Brought to the West in the early 1900’s by Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, Kriya Meditation has helped millions find greater internal stillness. In these sessions we will focus on ways to cultivate a regular meditation practice. We will occasionally touch upon yogic philosophy. However, the emphasis will be on providing the framework to continue an effective daily meditation routine. Sessions will include 10 minutes of instruction and 45 minutes of practice.
To register for this class please visit Main Street Yoga’s website, or drop in the day of the class. Register in Advance by Clicking Here.
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