Kriya Yoga, Divine Purpose, and a Meaningful Life
Finding a sense of divine purpose in life is often a struggle. Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way. By living a spiritualized life, we can come to a very real and meaningful sense of purpose.
Over the years I have offered several classes and seminars on divine purpose and meaning. With the New Year approaching, I thought it might be good share those sessions once again.
In this video we speak to the following questions:
1- In your “Finding your Divine Purpose” class, you said that your divine purpose was revealed after persistent effort on your part. How did you know that your revealed purpose came from a source outside your own mind? Then, When I have received answers to questions that I’ve asked, the answers seem to have just popped into my head, and have tended to be cryptic, short, and seem like something I would have never said or thought. Can you tell me what your experience has been and how you determined that the answer came from the divine?
2- Ryan, what is your understanding on purpose of life? Is enlightenment the purpose of life? If I set it as a goal – it creates a tension, which is one obstacle more to what I already have. The sun just is and shines. Does it have a purpose in its own existence beside just to be or to shine? Maybe the purpose of our lives is to go beyond all purposes?
3- The question is about a section from your book, “Kriya Yoga: Continuing the Lineage of Enlightenment“, p. 91 – chapter 2 on spiritual practice, s. 21. In the context of the sutra that says: the manifested world only exists for the experience and emancipation of consciousness, how does kriya yoga practices help to realize and embody this essential knowledge?
4- I have a been contemplating what it means to be fully awake. How does one know what the end goal is? What is fully awake?
Spiritual Intention Setting for the New Year Part 1 – Episode 86 of The Kriya Yoga Podcast
Spiritual Intention Setting for the New Year Part 2 – Episode 87 of the Kriya Yoga Podcast
Spiritual Intention Setting for the New Year Part 3 – Episode 88 of the Kriya Yoga Podcast
May this information inspire you to live the meaningful life that is possible for you.
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