Introduction to Kriya Yoga Audio Course

Kriya Yoga is a path to inner peace and Self-realization made popular by Paramahansa Yogananda’s book Autobiography of a Yogi. The path itself is one that utilizes specific mantra meditation, breath awareness techniques and Self-inquiry.

In 2005 I was authorized and ordained to share and teach Kriya Yoga by a direct student of Paramahansa Yoganada. Since that time, when the opportunity has arisen I’ve done my best to provide that service.  Having walked this path everyday since 2000, I have found it to be the greatest and most fulfilling inner work I have ever done. I have found peace with my Self and gained greater understanding about my relationship with the Divine. The realizations and happiness derived from this practice cannot be compared to any other activity in this world.

It was my goal and intention in this audio course to share with you the same practices that have proven effective for me. I also share personal struggles and inspirations to give a realistic understanding of just what IS required to experience inner peace and greater awareness of the Divine presence within and around you.

In this Kriya Yoga Audio Course you will learn:

  • How to meditate effectively
  • Kriya Yoga Pranayama Techniques as I learned them during initiation and only alluded to in Autobiography of a Yogi
  • Effective Kriya Yoga meditation routines
  • the philosophical understanding of true Yoga practice as taught in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  • The kind of lifestyle that leads to greater success on the Self-realization path
  • How to practice contemplation and Self-inquiry to realize directly the truth of your being

This course was a recorded as a real-time webinar with 42 participants.  Because of this, the nature of the lectures are fluid and there are breaks for answering student questions. During the live session, we had an additional online meditation session each week.  Two of those have been recorded and are included, that you may follow along a guided Kriya Routine.

Audio Class Instant Download Fee is $27.00.

What to Know Before You Purchase

A .zip file will be sent to you including nearly 11 hours of audio lecture and instruction in .mp3 sound file format.  You will also receive 1 hour of video in .wmv format of a guided Kriya practice.  (Make sure you can unzip a .zip file and that you can play .mp3’s and .wmv files before downloading.)  Also, be aware, this is a big file.  It is at least 754 megabytes, so may take a while to download.  Be sure your internet is up to it.  Due to the digital nature of this course, it is a non-refundable.  Please be sure you are familiar with and resonate with Ryan’s approach to Kriya before committing to investing in this course.

If you are not familiar with Ryan’s approach to Kriya Yoga and spiritual growth please review the videos on this site:

Or review the appropriate books on this page:

Students who participated in the live course had the following to say about this class.

I would recommend to take this class for these main reasons. One does not have to enroll or become member of any group/society/follow any particular belief. This is totally free journey and no boundaries are imposed after the class is over, like many groups do. No religious thoughts or beliefs are imposed during the sessions. The class and idea is free from it. Anyone who is ‘in search’ of himself and looking for ways to walk on this path will find these class and exercises useful.

I have had some Kriya training previously and was hoping for some clarification on a few of the finer points.  Not only did I get that, I learned way more than I actually expected — I am very pleased with the experience. It covers everything you need to know to get started in Kriya Yoga.  It has been shrouded in such secrecy for so long it is nice to see it being available to so many more people.”

Thank you for sharing your insights, especially your personal experiences so that we don’t fall into the same traps! The best thing about the course was that you kept it simple, demystified it, emphasized our need to take our own path with it and not rely on others, your integrity on those fronts came out clearly. I enjoyed that I can re-listen to the MP3 files. I also liked the fact you acknowledge that anybody, taking the steps you’ve outlined, can reach Samadhi, that it’s simply a natural progression. I am grateful to you for taking the time to point us towards the Kriya spiritual path and for your no-nonsense, pragmatic guidance. It certainly is a life’s work and I am enjoying my life knowing that.”

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