The following Kriya Yoga books will give you all the information you need to get started on your Kriya Yoga Journey.
Kriya Yoga: Continuing the Lineage of Enlightenment (With Full Commentary on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali)
By Ryan Kurczak
Meditation routines, Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations, and commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are included in this work to encourage Self-realization and inner tranquility. Skillful meditation, healthy living, and realization of our Eternal Self are the practices of Kriya Yoga, and it is through our own consistent practice of Patanjali’s methods that the lineage of enlightenment continues.
The Essence of Complete Kriya Yoga Practice: In the Words of a Kriya Yoga Guru
In this little book on Kriya Yoga Philosophy, the reader is introduced to a realm of knowledge like no other. It is a precious source of guidance and inspiration.This book contains the transcription of two interviews and one talk with Roy Eugene Davis, a direct student of Paramahansa Yogananda. Mr. Davis was initiated by and ordained to teach Kriya Yoga by Paramahansa Yogananda, which he did tirelessly and faithfully for nearly 70 years.
By Ryan Kurczak
An Essential Guide to Kriya Yoga Practice contains all you need to know to prepare for Kriya Initiation and to begin practicing Kriya Yoga. If you are looking for one of the most effective approaches to Kriya Yoga, you will find it in these pages. Based on over two decades of actual experience practicing and teaching Kriya Yoga, this book demystifies the process, and explains the proper integration between meditation and living a full life.
Click Here For Audio Book Version: An Essential Guide to Kriya Yoga Practice Audio Book
By Ryan Kurczak
The practice of Kriya Yoga Vichara integrates techniques based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and the method of Self-Inquiry presented by Sri Ramana Maharshi. In this book, you will find descriptive reviews of the methods taught during Kriya Initiations, how to effectively practice Vichara, and how to integrate the two for optimal results. Beginner, intermediate and advanced routines are provided.
Mahavatar Babaji and the Garden of Faith
By Ryan Kurczak
Here we have an intimate expression of love between student and master. As the student longs to more fully develop his life in service of divine realization, the master speaks to the heart of the matter. Here Mahavatar Babaji speaks to what is truly required to ignite the flame of divine living through cultivating a Garden of Faith.
A Course In Tranquility: Integrating Spiritual Practice, Effective Living, & Non Duality
By Ryan Kurczak
As an author and teacher, Ryan shares his life’s work. You will not find parroted words or spiritual platitudes, nor will you be comforted in the blankets of delusion. This is a straightforward, no bullshit exposition on truth that will illuminate areas where you find yourself lost in confusion and offer methods that have been employed since time immemorial to ground our rampant human condition in the crystal clarity of eternal wisdom.
By Ryan Kurczak
This new translation of Sri Yukteswar’s “Kaivalya Darshanam” (The Holy Science) sutras includes:
Kriya Yoga: Die Erleuchtungstradition fortsetzen (German Edition)
Dieses Buch enthält leicht verständliche Meditationsroutinen, Empfehlungen für einen ayurvedischen Lebensstil und einen vom Autor selbst übersetzten Kommentar zu den Yoga Sutren des Patanjali.
Dieses Werk ermutigt Sie auf Ihrem Weg zu Selbstverwirklichung und innerer Ruhe. Gekonnte Meditation, ein gesunder Lebensstil und die Erkenntnis unseres Ewigen Selbst sind die Übungen, die uns Kriya Yoga lehrt und mithilfe unserer kontinuierlichen Praxis der Methoden des Patanjali setzen wir die Erleuchtungstradition fort.
The Art and Science of Vedic Astrology: The Foundation Course
By Ryan Kurczak and Richard Fish
Topics Include: Meditation and Astrology ∙ The Planets ∙ Planetary Conditions ∙ The Houses ∙ Planetary Aspects ∙ The Ascendant ∙ Planetary Yogas ∙ Divisional Charts ∙ Vimshotari Dasha System ∙ Transits ∙ Jyotish and Ayurveda ∙ Astrological Remedies ∙ The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
The Art and Science of Vedic Astrology Volume 2: Intermediate Principles of Astrology
By Ryan Kurczak and Richard Fish
Contents Include: Time and Cycles, Bhava Charts, Planetary States, The Non Luminous Sub Planets, Subtleties of the Divisional Charts, Additional Named Yogas, Shadbala, Relationship Compatibility Analysis, Introduction to Lajjitaadi Avashtas, House Lord Combinations, Planetary Karakas in Vargas, Prasna (Vedic Horary) Astrology
Kriya Yoga: Continuando la discendenza dell’Illuminazione (Italian Edition)
La pratica del Kriya Yoga, così come tramandata nella tradizione di Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda e Roy Eugene Davis, rivela la sottile conoscenza della realizzazione divina. In quest’opera vengono offerti insegnamenti chiave sia a livello filosofico che pratico, per iniziare con successo il proprio cammino spirituale.
Questo libro apre la via ad una personale Realizzazione del Sè e alla pace interiore tramite esempi pratici di routine di meditazione, raccomandazioni per uno stile di vita sano in linea con i principi dell’Ayurveda ed un commentario agli Yoga Sutra di Patanjali. Il Kriya Yoga consiste nell’apprendere in modo efficace a meditare, a vivere in modo sano e a realizzare il nostro Eterno Sè. È solo attraverso la nostra dedizione nell’applicare i metodi tramandati da Patanjali che la discendenza dell’illuminazione continua.
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